Monday, September 8, 2014

Chapter 15: Fiddler on the Roof

Okay, so maybe the title is more since my family just finished doing Fiddler on the Roof, but there are some correlations, I think, especially if you think of the songs:

Instead of a Fiddler on the Roof we get lots of rain on the roof that sounds like dancing when it rains hard.

Wonder of Wonders, Miracles of Miracles: For miracles I don´t have any that come to my mind immediately but I´ll check my journal before the next P-day. With Less actives though I do have a good news- We were looking for a less active member about 7 weeks ago and we found the house where he lived by asking at a house that we thought was nearby. It was his house, but he wasn´t home. When we passed the next week, nobody was home but it looked like there was so we called into the house and a teen walks up and asks who we were looking for. IT WAS HIM! We had only passed the 2 times but we found him and he´s getting more active. I think it was amazing to find him. :)

Far from the Home I Love/Do You Love Me?: Yep - I am missing you all. I would love to get real snail mail letters, and if not that, emails will work as well. And thank you to all of you who are emailing me. Pdays are a great day for me to hear from the family and friends I love and miss. It truly buoys me up when the mission gets difficult.

To Life: To be honest, one of the craziest things that has happened while I´m here is the fact that I am actually able to find some of the plants and animals that we talked about in Biology class. They are wild here and it has been really cool. But what´s even more amazing is the animals that I never even know existed, espacially insects, some more disgusting that I thought possible, while others more beautiful and majestic. :)  Look through my blog my mom keeps up ( to see some of the crazy animals/insects.
Tradition: And last, but not least, I just want you to know that the traditions we have in the gospel are what keeps us grounded. In whatever language, English, Spanish, Norwegian, whatever, the scriptures teach of Christ, we pray to the same Heavenly Father, the gospel covenants are the same. While the world may change, the gospel doesn't, no matter where we live. In difficult times, lean on the gospel 'traditions' and you will be stronger for it.
Elder VanderMeyden

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